Playing Hide and Seek Alone

8 Jun

She wonders if she is…

hiding from her life.
hiding from her dreams.
hiding from herself.
hiding from all she can achieve.

By hiding from one part
of your life are you
impeding the rest of
your life?

Are you scared
to admit what
you really want?

Are you holding
yourself back?

Will success be fatal
to an old you that
you are not ready
to release?

There was a pause in my happiness.  Did I create the nightmare that spurred on this darkness to help or harm me?  It devastated me but it did make me stop to look at everything around and within me.

Ironically, confusion and frustration is bound to birth enlightenment and joy.

Opposing states of being are a strange thing.  Even though they are opposites they require each other.  When one emotion is felt, its contrary emotion will follow sooner or later.  They incite each other so the entire emotional spectrum can be fully experienced and complete its mysterious cycle.

I am left to wonder my way through until I arrive at the knowing place.



H. Hassenbein

One Response to “Playing Hide and Seek Alone”

  1. Gabriella - The Stepford Wife June 8, 2011 at 2:30 am #

    This was amazingly perfect. I really felt the emotion and my favorite part was:
    “Will success be fatal
    to an old you that
    you are not ready
    to release?”

    It really got me thinking…. in a deeper sense about my own life. Thank you so much – I really needed to read this. 🙂

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